So, I'm still watching the Sotomayor hearing (although I will admit I did fall asleep a couple of times...). Something baffled me about the question posed by the two protesters who interrupted the precedings this morning. "What about the unborn?" was the question cried out by two separate entities who were in attendance today.
What about the unborn? That's a good question. You got me, guys. What about 'em? I'm pretty sure that Sotomayor's affirmation into the Supreme Court has NOTHING to do with the "unborn" fetuses of America. There are no court cases before the Supreme Court, or that are due to go before the Supreme Court, that have anything to do with abortion. Or prenatal care. Or fetuses in general. So what the fuck do the "unborn" have to do with this preceding? Hmmm??? I'm pretty sure Roe v. Wade isn't going to be overturned because some assholes interrupted this Senate hearing. So, what about the unborn, huh?
That is all.

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