Another victory! So much good news for the Left this week!
Sarah Palin just announced that she will not be running for re-election. In fact, she is STEPPING DOWN as the Governor of Alaska. I think this may be the best decision she's ever made as a politician. She has yet to inform the public as to why she is committing political suicide.
I predict that she will come out saying that "God" told her to step down or that her family is more important right now or something along those lines.
I also predict that the real scandal that inspired her to make such a drastic move will be revealed by Tuesday of next week.
Anyone of the following scandals would suffice: Palin Vs. McCain staff; more details on her non-ethical deeds as governor; affair with S. Carolina Governor Mark Sanford; Sarah Palin affair with Bristol's baby-daddy; Todd Palin is the father of Bristol's baby; Daughter Willow, 14, is pregnant (gotta love abstinence only sex ed!); Sarah Palin's college lesbian experimentation pictures are released.
Gotta love them Republicans! They are just so filled with juicy scandals this year...What's next? We've had 2 extra-marital affairs by Republican officials, a Minnesota Republican congresswoman claiming the census is a government conspiracy, a Missouri Republican representative claiming children should be allowed to go hungry so they'll be "motivated" to work... All in one week! What an awesome example of morality the GOP is setting for our country.
And what a beautiful week for the Democrats. You couldn't make up better stories than these to discredit the Right!
I normally don't take pleasure in the downfall of other human beings, but when these human beings are trying to dictate my personal life and then committing the "sins" they themselves have been condemning, it is hard not to find a little pleasure in the publicized hypocrisy. Kinda like when Ted Haggard, my favorite evangelical gay-basher, being caught with gay prostitutes and meth...this sort of ironic justice makes it hard not to smile inside.

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