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Huge victory for LGBT rights today in California!! Prop8 shot down by Judge Walker, who ruled the amendment unconstitutional!!!! WOO HOO!!! In your face, bigots!! Now off to the Supreme Court, which I predict will uphold the ruling under Article IV - Full Faith & Credit Clause. We're on our way!!


Independce Day Prayer

I just want to take a minute to praise Jesus for freeing us from the British 200-something years ago and blessing us with sovereignty over all the other God-less nations of the world. And thank you, Lord, for helping us invent nuclear bombs before the Russians. And thank you for the freedom of religion in this great Christian nation. Amen. (Yes, I've been drinking)

Sidenote: If you didn't sense the sarcasm dripping out of your computer screen, you are an idiot.


Sexual Assualt Prevention Tips

These are guaranteed to work so share them with your friends, print them out and post them at the library, slip into pornography magazines at the convenience store, etc.

1. Don't put drugs in peoples' drinks in order to control their behavior.
2. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!
3. If you pull over to help someone with car problems, remember not to assault them!
4. NEVER open an unlocked door or window uninvited.
5. If you are in an elevator and somone else gets in, DON'T ASSAULT THEM!
6. Remember, people go to laundry to do their laundry, do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.
7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are unable to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.
8. Always be honest with people! Don't pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. Consider telling them you plan to assault them. If you don't communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to rape them.
9. Don't forget: you can't have sex with someone unless they are awake!
10. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone "on accident" you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.

-Retrieved from

Fucking brilliant.


Compromises & Separations

Ah... I will be surprised if I still have any readers left after my long hiatus. I just haven't been particularly inspired to "blog it out" these past couple of months. I have been quite busy and once I do get some down time, trying to write something clever and smart for my adoring fans (er... fan) just doesn't sound appealing.

I am going to give a brief synopsis of events that have transpired since I last left you, in bullets so I don't ramble (as we know I can tend to do when given the opportunity to talk about myself).

  • Birthday: beers, Katamari Damacy, more beers, low-key, now closer to 30 than 20 (I have even seen a decline in my getting carded for booze and cigs... And my best friend gave me eye cream for my b-day...)
  • Holidays: *shudder* Moving on...
  • School: finished one semester, started another last week. This is going to be the best semester ever. I can feel it. All is going so well. Both of my presentations (one paper, one poster) were accepted to regional Psych conference. This news deserves an entry of its own when I haven't had a couple beers. I'll just go on and on about it and what a wonderful mentor Dr. A is and what an honor it is to work with him and how brilliant I think we are and what a badass I think I am and blah blah blah. ;)
  • Found community of stepmums who blog, tweet, and otherwise express all of the feelings and thoughts that I had thought I was alone in thinking and feeling. What an enlightening experience it was to discover this and then become a part of that support system for such a confusing and unique experience that only we stepmoms truly understand.
  • I cried after the Cowboys lost to the Vikings last week. I am not over it yet, and won't be until spring training starts back up. Even then, I think this one may have hurt the worst yet (Fucking fire Wade already, jebus crust).

Now, on those last couple of notes, this will be my last personal life-themed blog at this url. My identity is compromised (another excuse for my absence) and I no longer feel safe being completely candid here (which is the only point of this type of personal blogging, really).

I will forward my new url to my new stepmum readers, my academic readers, and other anonymous readers who do not know my friends and family personally. Any others interested in keeping up with me and my academic pursuits (manuscript frustrations, applying for grad schools, moving, etc.) as well as other personal matters (stepparenting, married living apart once I start grad school, my not-so-secret affair with Keith O, etc...) may email me for the new address (though if you know my stepsons or DH's babymama personally, you probably shouldn't bother. No offense meant.)

I will keep political sexpot open for just that, politics (and sex, of course) but there will be no more personal updates on this forum.

Anyway, I am taking American Foreign Policy this semester and god only knows the primaries are going to have me a-rantin' & a-ravin' so this isn't good-bye so stop your crying (or champagne pouring...)


Live long and wear a rubber,



I've got blisters on my fingers!!

*Secret prize to the one who can tell me where my title quote comes from!*

Oh my jesus. What a gruelling couple of weeks. Two poster presentations (one of which was a report of my original proud! Significant at p < .001 in support of my hypotheses, bitches!! Rock n Roll.) I (and my research assistants...*ahem*...colleagues) submitted the abstract from our research poster to Regional Psych Conference so that might be cool. I'll already be there to co-present the study Dr. A and I finished this semester so why not? The study I designed was novel in the method I used to measure this particular phenomenon, and with such significant results (even controlling for extraneous variables), two of my professors are encouraging me to write up a manuscript and submit it for publishing. There went my winter break!! Ha! Can't hurt my chances of being accepted to #1 Grad School Choice.

I also gave an oral presentation last week. That was traumatizing and I don't want to talk about it. Although I will tell you that Prof Red Hair did not give my group feedback on/approval of our powerpoint until the NIGHT before the presentation, although I submitted them before Thanksgiving...3 times...emailed her the week before the presentation to make sure she got the files... She claimed she never received the files - although I sent them from 2 different email accounts, over Blackboard, and at 3 different times... So, I forwarded her the email "sent" receipts along with the powerpoint Saturday 12/5 (Presentation was scheduled for either 12/8 or 12/10...her choice and a "surpise" found out by each group at the beginning of class 12/8). I didn't hear back from her after her "I got the files, have this back to you asap" email Saturday night so I emailed her AGAIN to "gently remind her" on Monday morning (day before possible presenting) and she claims she sent the files back (w/comments) on Saturday (I didn't get either email either junk folder) and resent them to me. So, my group, who were waiting to practice the presentation until we got her approval of our slides (which she had us change the actual organization/structure of the presentation itself DRASTICALLY, although all content was fine so practicing prior to those changes would have been pointless anyway). We got to practice 2 1/2 times before class the next day (between morning class and Dr Red Hair's class). With an entirely new format (order) of the slides. We thought maybe she'd assign us to present on Thursday since we were the only group who hadn't heard back from her by the weekend of Thanksgiving... Nope. She had us go that day. Less than 18 hours after she let us know about the drastic changes we needed to make to our presentation... I was prepared as in I knew that material inside and out but I only got to practice it outloud twice, during which I ended up cutting out most of my "in depth" slides for time (and they were so awesome!) so I actually never got to practice the final product before presenting.
Dr. Red Hair is now Dr. Fucking Cunt. The presentation went fine as far as staying on time and getting our points across but my usual enthusiastic, confident speaker-self was too nervous and angry to be anything other than monotone, trying not to talk too fast, could be a freshman speaker.

We got an A but lots of "constructive comments" about our obvious nervousness, monotone speech pattern, lack of enthusiasm, checking our notes a lot (although not reading straight off of them), and lots of hesitations. Yeah, I wonder why...
Oh well, I didn't complain and I didn't make any excuses because it wasn't worth it. And I could tell that she knew she fucked that one up.

Thursday, after my two posters, I was interviewed with my hubby by one of The Daily Show correspondents for a segment airing after the 1st of the year. Can't give specifics but they did send a crew out to my house, who turned my living room into a TV studio, complete with make-up artist. It was so much fun. If you catch it and you know who I am, please know that I would only ever do such things for Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, and to rub my immoral progressive-ness in the faces of all those conservative bastards denying basic human rights to those they've deemed undeserving based on archaic fairy tales written by patriarchal, homophobic assholes.

Anyway, the semester is almost over. After last week, I have been struggling to give a flying fuck about finals but finals are a breeze at this point (I actually studied during the semester and went to almost all of my classes this semester!). I aced my first final in the Cog Psych class. I also got a 90 on my History of Modern Science final although I haven't submitted it yet (online exam - all essay). I think the professor made a "best guess" as to what students would make so he could take off (he travels a lot) and forgo the whole grading essay question test answers thing. Ha.

Anyway, this was a gruelling semester (15 hours, 3 research studies - 2 of which I designed, all upper level classes - mostly 4000 level) and I am ready for a (few) beer(s) as soon as I get out of my last final on Thursday afternoon. Drinks around 4pm Thursday at local bar in SCU town! Who's down?? ;)



Inane Statistics

I've been thinking about how inane the phrase, "I don't want to be just another statistic," is. I mean, you are always part of the statistic. For example, the statistic that relates the chance of 2nd marriages involving children from a previous relationship is highest in the first 2 years of remarriage... I made it past 2 years but that just means that I'll be in the part of the data set that either divorces in the first 5 years or after the first 10 years or stays married til death do us part. I'm still a statistic.


I know, weird post for such a long hiatus but I have a shit ton on my plate right now and I don't feel like sharing. So deal. :p