Last night, I saw Bruno. So awesome and I highly recommend it. I laughed out loud from the very beginning to the very end. Brilliant, of course! Though, the other people in the movie theatre may not have been the brightest crayons in the box...After the movie, one woman was overheard saying, "It took me about 40 minutes to warm up to it. I was a lot more comfortable after they started the gay-bashing." WHAT?? Were we in the same movie, lady? Because it was funny from the first scene and there was only gay-basher-bashing, making fun of the hicks who bash gays, like you. Bah! Oh well, I'm in a red state and I can't expect everyone to be well-bred around here. If I had a "Worst Persons" bit, like KO, that lady would be "Worser" today.
After the movie (and a couple shared pitchers of beer - movie taverns are the best!), DH and I went home and watched my Bill Hicks dvd. Ah, I miss that man. Bill Hicks was truly a badass in every sense of the word. So many of his political bits are quite salient for today's political environment, 15 years later. Plus, picturing the Beatles trying to peel Ringo Starr off of the ceiling to record "Yellow Submarine" always leaves me in stitches..."They were real fuckin' high."
I'm actually up early this morning after a good night's sleep! Usually, I'm still trying to go to sleep at this point. I wanted to watch the Sonya Sotomayor hearing this morning though, although I probably could have slept for another 2 hours since they are still going through the "introductory commentaries". She looks as bored as everyone who is watching must be! I can't tell if the look of pain on her face is due to having to sit through the Senatorial blah-blah-blahs or due to her broken ankle. I'm guessing it's the speeches.
I got my grades back from the Summer I session. A's in both classes. There's no way I'm going to take 2 Summer classes during the same 4-week session ever again. That was a TERRIBLE idea and if I want to get some classes done over the summer again, I will space them out. Like Summer II, which starts today. I've decided to only take 1 easy class, 1/2 online 1/2 on campus, which I predict will not be nearly as stressful and I may actually have somewhat of a personal life this month. That would be nice...
Well, good luck, Sonya Sotomayor, though I don't think you'll need it. You got this in the bag, girlfriend!

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